Mengatasi XAMPP ERROR (Ganti Port)

Xampp Error you need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
While installing Xampp on windows i got the following error

[Apache]    Problem detected!
[Apache]    Port 443 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4!
[Apache]    Apache WILL NOT start without the configured ports free!
[Apache]    You need to uninstall/disable/reconfigure the blocking application
[Apache]    or reconfigure Apache and the Control Panel to listen on a different port



Jadi gw memutuskan untuk mencari2 solusi nya, gw liat2 diforum gak masih gak bisa juga. Akhir nya gw nemu blog dan ternyata berhasil begini lol caranya

So what I did to resolve this error , I went to Apache (httpd.conf) and changed the port number
from 80 to 1337 or any other number you like, For this find the line
Listen 80 and change it to
Listen 1337

Then open the file "Apache (httpd-ssl.conf)" find this following Line
Listen 443
Just change it to something like 7331.
Close the Xammp and then rerun it again.

Its done
Sometime you may need to go to user account control and disable the UAC and then follow the
above procedure

Jadi ente buka file httpd.conf di notepad atau dari XAMPPnya langsung di config pada Apache , lalu cari tulisan Listen 80 dan ganti dengan Listen 1337 , lalu save. Terus buka lagi file httpd-ssl.conf cari tulisan Listen 443 ubah menjadi 7331 terus save. Lalu restart XAMPP dan coba start Apache. Lihat dan saksikan hasilnya


Jadi setelah komputer direstart xampp kembali eror, untuk solusinya kembalikan ke pengaturan semula dan coba start xampp maka akan berfungsi kembali. Gw juga ga tau kenapa lol mungkin setelah di install harus di reskom


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